The End Of A Season

Barbara Klein English: 21 Comments

  Johannistag on June 24 is celebrated in parts of Germany and France as midsummer day (also in honour John the Baptist, but I cannot figure what the two have in common) by lighting huge bonfires.  asparagus field on Bruderholz in Basel   For me it marks the end of the season for the white asparagus, the queen of vegetable, …

The Third Time

Kittie Walker English:, travel 21 Comments

What does it feel like when you do something more often than once? Will this exciting feeling of novelty have worn off? What will it be replaced with? A feeling of recognition, of homecoming? What the heck is she talking about? Has she taken a turn for the worse and will she be talking about her sex life? Do not …

Under The Weather

Barbara Klein English: 16 Comments

  I Need Something Lifting! This is my third post in a row about the weather and its influences! I never thought of myself as a person who is so dependent on outer factors, I also never understood why older people always talked about the weather, this sunrise, that sunset, growing plants, birds and whatnot. Life was about relationships, endless …