Pumpkin Market

Barbara Klein market 2 Comments

  Why go far? Come local! There is a lovely weekly market on Saturdays in my hometown in Kleinbasel: Matthäusmarkt, more than 20 producers sell their vegetable, fruit, homemade bread, cheese and other dairy products, olive oil, wine, herbs and jams. When you are hungry or thirsty you can select delicious food from all over the world. Four times a …

Whatever You Do – Be Passionate About It!

Barbara Klein food 2 Comments

This post is about food, cooking and a recipe, what did you think? There is a fig tree in our garden, I planted it some 15 years ago, it was a tiny weeny thing, proudly demonstrating ist first leaves. It has become a gorgeous tree tending to ignore neighbour boundaries. Each year it carries sweet yellor fruit. Each year? Not …