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Barbara Klein blog, candles, English:, Late Bloomers, projects 9 Comments

What do a blog, a candle and a recipe have in common?

They all need love, passion, courage, patience, discipline and perseverance! And the willingness to learn something new every day.

The Blog First

When I started with Late Bloomers nearly five years ago – this was my first post in English: Quince Lemon Chutney – I literally had no clue!

Blogging? No problem, I can do it! And yes, in both English and German from day one on. I have kept a journal for years, easypeasy, turn that into posts. An absolute no go as I had to learn the hard way, it is a long way …

Enters the Candle

Those of you who have known me for years are familiar with my soy wax candle making business and how I started it in 2009, step by step learning how to create a perfect fragrance candle and sourcing the ingredients needed: organic soy wax, cotton wicks, jars, fragrance oils and sheer essential oils.

Over the years I expanded my small candle business into a wellness collection of candles, diffusers, soaps, small bottles of essential oils and fragrance oils, bespoke perfumes and accessories.

Late Bloomers New Site

Late Bloomers Collection 2015


In September 2012 Late Bloomers was ready for a new look and my friend Kittie Walker of Avidmode in London created and realised it. We added a web shop to the blog (in English only).

Fast forward to early spring 2015: imagine my surprise (and frustration) when a friend told me that she had wanted to order something from the web shop but the link was broken! Oh no! Remember what I said at the beginning: you need perseverance and patience?

Time to speak to Kittie about a new website, this time fully functional in English and German including the web shop. She suggested using X WP Theme and WooCommerce for the web shop. Lovely, I fell in love with X File right away. The rest was a test in endurance, a willingness to learn a ton of new stuff and patience on Kittie’s side (thank you so much, Kittie, and I trust you will share your side of the story here!). What looked like a project of a few weeks turned into a full cycle of gestation!

But we are getting there and the new website will be up quite shortly. Want a sneak preview?


Late Bloomers New Site Header


Preview of Late Bloomers new website


What do you think? I love the sleek and minimalist look!

Enters the Recipe

I have always loved cooking, learning by watching my mother and grandmothers, and I am very blessed by them leaving me their handwritten recipes. I keep adapting them to our times, reducing them in size and leaving off the sometimes too heavy or sugary ingredients and adding more spices and herbs.

When a friend brought me a basket full of kumquats, I immediately thought of a chutney recipe for it, I concocted a new recipe throwing in lots of ginger for tartness and this extra zing and some cranberries to add some sugar.

What I was not aware of when tackling the task was the tedious work of slicing and taking out the pips of the miniature kumquats! It took me six hours … a labour of love and endurance! But the result is worth every second of it!






Late Bloomers Kumquats Ginger Chutney

Yield: 6 jars à 200 g

1.5 kg kumquats
70 g cranberries (dried fruit here)
100 g shallots, finely diced
2 cloves garlic, finely diced
40 g ginger, finely diced
3 fresh chilli, without seeds and finely diced
2 TS oil (canola here)
1 TS coriander grounded
1 TS cumin grounded
2 TS mustard seed
2 star anis
2 dl aceto balsamico bianco
10 TS sugar
1 cinnamon stick (10 – 15 cm)
salt + pepper


Wash fruit, quarter them and take the pips out

Roughly puree half of the fruit in mixer

Heat oil in a skillet and gently roast shallots, garlic and ginger, ca. 5 minutes

Dry roast spices

Gently simmer all ingredients in a non-reactive pot for about 15 minutes

Season with salt + pepper

Fill in hot jars and sterilize in steamer


Serve with curries, raclette (I am Swiss after all!), boiled meat or BBQ

Keep opened jars in fridge



Comments 9

  1. Hi Barbara!
    I can so relate to this! Except the six hours you took to make the Chutney! (It sounds delicious – are you selling it on your site?) I made grape jam last weekend and it took two hours for two of us to make two batches. I thought that was a lot 😮
    I love the preview of your new site and can’t wait to see all of it! Persistence and perseverance, I can relate to that too. I’m getting ready to celebrate my 5th Blogaversary as well. 
    I look forward to seeing what you do in the next five years my friend!

  2. Lori a lovely morning to you, Lori! One day we will hopefully celebrate our blogoversaries together, together with our jams maybe 😉
    I am very excited to show you the new website in all its glory, what a long way we have all come, mastering new skills and we can be proud of our achievements (think video, Lori!). Always reaching higher and further, I should add ambition to the list.
    Here’s to the next five years of our journeys and thank you for your lovely message, see you soon!

  3. Steve Rice Good morning to you, Steve, and thank you so much. 
    What a lovely idea to fragrance your home with my candles and I am very honoured. Yes, I ship worldwide but you are right it is absurdly expensive, I will figure out something and we can discuss it, ok?
    See you soon and have a fantastic day!

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