clear tomato soup

A Birthday Dinner Party With Some Surprises

late-bloomers English:, recipes 4 Comments




Have you missed me a little bit, or rather my summer salad recipes? I have not posted for a whole week and I will tell you why at the end of this post.

Last Saturday we went to the farmer market in Lörrach and brought home tons of lovely local produce:


symphony in red

Symphony in red


I prepared my favourite relish by Delia Smith in her Summer Collection.

Sweet Pepper and Coriander Relish

1 fresh green chilli
1 medium red pepper
1 small red onion
4 TS chopped fresh coriander
4 TS fresh lime juice (optional: grated zest)
2 large tomatoes, skinned, de-seeded and chopped
sea salt + freshly milled black pepper

Place all the ingredients in a food processor and switch on to blend evenly to the stage where it looks as though everything has been chopped minutely small but has not lost its identity. Leave on one side (covered) in a cool place and stir well before serving.

Source: Delia Smith’s Summer Collection


It was my birthday on Sunday, a perfect day for a dinner party in the shady garden:


blue garden table

I love that blue glass table


Everybody was contributing something to it:

Sweet pepper and coriander relish for starters

Clear tomato soup

Quinoa salad (a wonderful recipe by Yotam Ottolenghi)
Spicy salsiccia
Nürnberger sausages
Steak de veau (marinated in apricot, honey, ginger and chilli)

Apricot tart
Panna cotta



clear tomato soup

Does it not look amazing: clear tomato soup


When night fell a friend surprised us with a soap bubbles performance:


birthday surprise soap bubbles

huge soap bubbles

And I managed to surprise everybody at the end when I tripped over a black box and cut my hand:


thumbs up

not every thumbs up is a good sign


We spent the next 4 hours in ER (I did not protest when everybody urged me to be a good patient, I felt so horrible and it looked quite forbidding).

They x-rayed it to make sure there were no splinters left and the bone intact and stitched me up. A tetanus shot later I was dismissed.

I felt pretty shaken and in no mood for salads, but you might want to try the relish recipe!


Get your inspiration for more summer salad recipes:

Day 1: Tomato – Mozzarella di Bufala – Basil Salad With a Twist

Day 2: Let’s Go Green Today

Day 3: Mediterranean Salad

Day 4: My Greek Salad

Day 5: Fruit Salad With Vanilla Ice Cream

Day 6: Chachumber – Indian Tomato Cucumber Salad

Day 7: Swiss Style Sausage And Cheese Salad

Day 8: Even More Summer Salad Recipes And Tips


Tags: relish, sweet pepper, vegetarian



Comments 4

  1. kittiewalker Thank you so much, Kittie, yes, it is mending and I even drove my car today! 

    One good thing though: I did not leave for Tessin (the Italian speaking part of Switzerland) and have now ample time to work on the website 😉

    Have a relaxing weekend after this tough week
    hugs, Barbara

  2. Oh, what a terrible end to your birthday! Belated birthday blessing Barbara 🙂 And I love the symphony in red, against your blue table xx

  3. tandysinclair good morning, Tandy, thank you so much! I’m as good as new, the stitches are out.

    You are so right with the color juxtaposition, I was not aware of it when posting ….

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