Guest Post At Life, For Instance

Barbara Klein care 14 Comments

Do you write guest posts? And how do you feel when you are invited to write a guest post?

My first reaction when Lori Gosselin of Life, for Instance kindly asked me to write one, I felt deeply honoured and scared at the same time. It is like being invited to a friend’s home for a dinner party for the first time: you are on your best behaviour, take meticulous care to be nicely dressed and made up, try to engage everyone in meaningful discussions and you hope to be invited again!

In her own words “Life, for instance is a gathering place. Each visitor has something special to share: a unique perspective on life. Lori has always enjoyed talking about, thinking about, analyzing and writing about life and she loves community building so for her Life, for instance is a true labor of love.”

Her bi-weekly posts and guest posts on Monday and Thursday covering all aspects of life are inviting us to join the discussion and share our thoughts.

I admire Lori for her talent and skills with words and drawing us out to expand our views. Thank you so much; Lori, and let me invite you now to the party: How Focused Are You?.

Fruit styling

Comments 14

  1. Barbara, your guest post at LFI was wonderful! Lori is a gift to the blogging world, isn’t she? I just had the pleasure of writing a guest post for a blog I really like, and I had the same reaction as you —  I was honored, but I was also terrified! Terrified of not writing well enough, not living up to the expectations of the site owner, the post being a flop…the list could go on and on. But it all turned out well in the end. just as it did for you! 🙂

    1.  @annedreshfield Hi Anne, thank you so much for your lovely comment and I am sorry for the late reply, my inbox is like the British Library – so many books, so many mails, I would love to read them all at once and react but the workload is rather too much sometimes.
      Yes, @lori  is really a gift to the blogging world and I love LFI and its discussions. I admire her for her talent of reaching out to real people and engage them in deep thoughts.
      I would love to read your guest post, can you send me the link, please! Have a good day, Anne, and it was lovely seeing you here!

      1.  @Late_Bloomers  @lori I understand how that is…my email inbox is a veritable swamp at the moment! Need to clear it all out. My guest post is here: Thanks so much for being interested in it!

        1.  @annedreshfield  Thank you for the link, I will hop over there now! My website is behaving somewhat erratically (due to automatic updating …), sorry for the late reply!
          Have a wonderful last June week and welcome summer!

    1.  @CorinneRodrigues  @Lori Ah, Corinne, you really make my day, thank you so much. Yes, my heart is in it and so muzh more!
      And I am awfully sorry for this problem with the aweber subscribing form, darn the technical stuff *&ç*%ç&%!!! But promise: I will look into it tomorrow and let you know asap.

  2. Each visitor has something special to share: a unique perspective on life. Lori has always enjoyed talking about, thinking about, analyzing and writing about life and she loves community building so for her Life, for instance is a true labor of love.”

    1. Post

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