A Day In The Life Of … Fresh Basil Pesto Recipe

Barbara Klein English: 16 Comments

Day 4

I made this pesto a week ago, used some of it for a friend’s birthday party (I was invited to cook her favourite dishes) and put the rest in the fridge, sealed off with a generous layer of olive oil.

It really is easy to prepare and once you have made your own pesto, you will shy away from store bought look-alikes.


fresh basil pesto

fresh basil pesto




Late Bloomers Fresh Basil Pesto


50 g basil leaves
2 TS dry roasted pine nuts
2 garlic cloves
1 dl extra virgin olive oil
30 g Parmigiano
20 g Pecorino (optional)
½ TS coarse sea salt
black pepper




Dry roast the pine nuts

Put the basil, nuts and garlic in your food rocessor

Pulse a few times and slowly add the olive oil while the machine is running

Scrape down the sides of the food processor with a spatula

Add cheese, salt and pepper to taste and pulse some more


I prefer my pesto to have a coarse consistency, it looks nice served in a stone mortar

Prepare more of it and fill it in jars, make sure to cover the top with a generous layer of olive oil, this will conserve it.


pesto in jars

pesto in jars

put a nice label on it and why not bring some of it to your next invitation?



Lovely with any kind of pasta, with soups or serve it as appetizers on a toasted slice of bread (make sure to impress everybody by calling it bruschetta)

Here comes your extra bonus: Late Bloomers Tomato, Orange and Coriander Soup which is heavenly eaten with a spoonful of pesto.

Day 4: I am getting into the spirit of daily blogging!



Comments 16

  1. Thanks Barbara! Now I have decided what to have for supper tonight! The recipe for the soup looks good too! Thanks for this.
    It seems that blogging every day is not hard for you at all – am I mistaken 😉

  2. Hi Lori, wonderful idea to have pesto for supper, I look forward hearing what you think of the tomato, orange and coriander soup, it has a slight oriental taste to it!
    Yes, daily blogging suits me in a way, but it is no picnic, let me tell you.
    Btw, there is something wrong with livefyre: when you are the first to comment (and I truly appreciate it), it does not let me directly reply to you. It does not happen with others. Have you had this experience before?

  3. KDillabough You are more than welcome, Kaarina! LOL, what do you make out of this: I have a huge pot (I can barely lift it) of tomato ketchup bubbling, you should smell the wonderful aromas, they welcome you when you come into the house. When looking for inspiration I will put something in the steamer, then?

  4. KDillabough Late_Bloomers One day, Kaarina, we will sit together at that table and enjoy endless meals and share some wine, laughter and stories! (But I have to tell you the smell of ketchup is really mouthwatering)

  5. Lori Late_Bloomers livefyre Hi Lori, I will (by now they know, do they not? But maybe they will not take any actions this way?). 
    Busy day again what with the farmer market in the morning, a business appointment at 11, a lunch date, some cooking (ketchup) and blogging (#5 is up). We are due for early dinner at friends’ in 15 minutes. Love every minute of my busy day!
    Hope I will find some time tomorrow to catch up and finally finish watching the ego video and give you some feedback. Very interesting Hangout yesterday, I am curious to know what Ashvini had to say!! Have a wonderful day!

  6. My son loves pesto so I make it myself too, rather than purchasing from the store.  Surprisingly, it freezes well too….I think ; -)

  7. jpage.manuel Hi Joy, lovely to see you here and my apologies for the late reply. Such a lot of catching up to do, my inbox is overflowing (not by way of comments ….)! I never freeze pesto, do you? When you put a generous layer of olive oil on top, it keeps well in the fridge as long as nobody sticks their fingers in it!!

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