To Blog or Not to Blog

Barbara Klein Snippets 6 Comments

Why do you not write? You are so funny and witty, you are a walking encyclopedia, reading about your travels is like sharing the same experiences with you, smelling what you have smelt, seeing what you have seen.

This is what a very dear friend of mine has told me two years ago – beside being a very nice compliment, it stuck in the back of my brains somewhere, every once lifting its head out of darkness and begging to be taken seriously.

Is writing a gift, a talent bestowed at haphazard? I do not know, I remember starting to write when I was very young, 8 or 9, typing away on an old mechanical typewriter, in summer I would build a tent on the terrace amidst vine and maturing grapes (the smell of it still lingers). Mostly shmalzy romance stuff which I read to my family, a rather critical audience and not very encouraging („why does the couple eat trout with noodles, this is a no go!“ – they should study some recipes these days!).

Another blog, do we need that? I will leave out the analysis of my blog studies, all the technical stuff, social media, the anxieties, the doubt. But I believe a blog is about relationship, person to person, how will you ever meet anybody if you stay in the closet? I found encouragement from Scott McIntyre, his blog Vivid Ways is „all about bringing you brilliant ideas, practical tips and articles on ‘colorful living’. Colorful living is simply leading a life worth remembering.“ who wrote to me: Speaking from my own experience, I can thoroughly recommend just jumping off ;-).

And that is what I will do now: JUMPING OFF! You, my new family (of e kind), will be my new audience, I only beg you to be more considerate and constructive in your criticism, your comments are vital to me and will help me getting better. And please, do relate!

Comments 6

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  1. Hi Barbara,

    It’s great to hear that you’ve ‘jumped off’ and are exploring your interests in both blogging and writing.

    Keep doing what you love and you never can tell where it’ll take you or who you’ll connect with 😉

    All the very best!


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